PGI Thézac-Perricard


PGI Thézac-Perricard


Between Agen and Cahors, this small vineyard prides itself on its history. When Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia, discovered this uniquely accented wine through Armand Fallières, the French President, he immediately decided to add it to his cellar.

Other than the cooperative, only a handful of independent winemakers perpetuate this expertise. The red wines are supple and round, the rosés drier and more expressive, with aromas of red berries.


Surface (ha)

Production (hl)

  • White 2% 2%
  • Rose 44% 44%
  • Red 54% 54%

South West Vineyards

Centre INRA - Chemin de Borde Rouge
CS 52637 - 31321 Castanet Tolosan cedex

Phone : (+33) 5 61 73 87 06
Fax : (+33) 5 61 75 64 39



Monday to Friday : 9 am - 5 pm

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health. To consume with moderation.

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